Chris C. (31)
My comments as Chris’ coach: As you can see from the pictures (with accompanying dates), I’ve been working with Chris for years now. Over time, what had originally started as a weight loss journey developed into something even greater. After losing 70+ pounds, we decided to take his more capable physique to the next level by competing in a USAPL powerlifting competition. With continued hard work and dedication, he improves every day by working toward the next competition at an even lighter weight group! Chris and I have shared quite a journey and I’m happy to now call him my friend.

Janice W. (61)
“When I first met Russ, I was an overweight, out of shape middle age woman. I joined a gym to work on getting back into shape. Not being athletic, having any sort of sport, or training experience I was overwhelmed when I first walked into the gym. I quickly realized I had no idea what to do and how to do it. Thankfully, the gym paired me with a personal trainer (Russ) and the rest is history. With his extensive knowledge of strength and cardio training, nutrition along with his patience with me, he brought from being that overweight and out of shape person to being a competitive powerlifter. I am currently a 2x USA Powerlifting National Champion, member of the USA Powerlifting National Team, 2x Silver medalist at IPF World Bench Press Championship and silver medalist at IPF Classic World Championship. I could not have accomplished my goals without his coaching and guidance. If you are ready to make a change and need help to reach your goals, I highly recommend Russ. He is the best!”
Left side (before), right side (after) as world champion!
Gloria P. (53)
“I been training with Russ for almost 3 years now. The transformation of my body and mind has just been amazing with him. Russ is a no-nonsense highly motivational coach. He knows exactly what works for my body and I look forward to continuing our training and friendship.”

Courtney M. (25)
“When I found Russ I was a self-proclaimed cardio queen who wanted to try lifting, but was nervous about getting hurt. He patiently mentored me through a powerlifting program, and I started to become more confident taking these cool new skills to my own gym outside of our weekly sessions. Once I made it through my first powerlifting competition alive, I knew for sure that I was in good hands. Even when a car accident prevented me from lifting for a while, I felt lucky to have a coach who could help me find a great physical therapist (who he worked closely with) to get me back to normal as quickly as possible. Now, I feel stronger and healthier than ever, get excited to put on my lifting belt, and sincerely love training every week.”
Linda C.
My comments as Linda’s coach: Can’t believe your eyes?! Neither can I every time I look at this picture. I had the pleasure of meeting Linda in the middle of her incredible weight loss journey which enabled us to hit the ground running with training! Since then she’s made remarkable progress with continued weight loss, postural improvements, and full body muscle tone. It’s crazy to think the mighty Linda who can now easily perform many advanced core exercises, is the same woman who couldn’t get a single sit-up when we started! If I could describe this success story in one word, it would be consistency. Day after day, week after week, Linda has dedicated her time and effort to improving herself mentally and physically, proving that hard work + discipline pay off. As a coach, I feel extremely lucky to have shared (and continue to share) this journey with such a wonderful woman. Great job, Linda!
As you can see, the muscles aren’t just for show!

Mike W. (52)
“This powerhouse came to us looking to get even stronger, AND lose fat to reveal his muscle. In our 6-week transformation challenge, Mike exceeded our expectations, dropping over 20 pounds and gaining incredible strength in his deadlift + bench press. Way to go Mike!”
-PBC coaching staff
Daren M.
"Daren asked us for help losing weight for his son’s wedding. After our 6-week transformation challenge, Daren lost a huge amount of belly fat (As you can see) and regained vitality in everyday life. Oh, and he fit into his wedding suit!” -PBC staff