
My Nutritional Framework
Russell Bostock Russell Bostock

My Nutritional Framework

Let’s talk nutrition, shall we?

Fact: There are literally THOUSANDS of diets available to us on the internet and elsewhere. Fact: there are conflicting scientific data on many common topics of nutrition and supplementation and the U.S. nutritional guidelines are produced with biased political influence (you read that correctly). Fact: it is nearly impossible to conduct accurate, long-term epidemiological nutrition studies. In other words, it’s nearly impossible to really prove cause and effect for many health outcomes based on nutrition, or even advise a nutrition guide rooted in objective truth. So where the hell do we go from here? Join me as I step away from the opinions, and closer to a framework with just one concept in mind: simplicity.

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The Basics: Creating A Strength Training Program
Russell Bostock Russell Bostock

The Basics: Creating A Strength Training Program

Let’s dive right in! In this post I’ll explain a basic outline for creating a strength training program. I’ll also be detailing the importance of mental programming; something too many coaches/individuals fail to underscore. I’ll be digging into my general framework with less emphasis on specificity for the sake of simplicity.

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Macros: 101
Russell Bostock Russell Bostock

Macros: 101

Here I discuss commonly asked questions regarding macros. Let’s consider this post more of a basic explanation- as the heading should suggest.

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